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How to contribute

At Masa, we believe in the power of community-driven innovation and the importance of open-source development. We invite and encourage developers to contribute to the zkSBT project, help improve the codebase, and create additional tools and resources to enhance the overall developer experience. By getting involved, you'll not only help shape the future of privacy-preserving data storage in the web3 ecosystem, but you'll also gain valuable experience and expand your network within the industry.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Explore the codebase: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the Masa codebase, documentation, and example use cases provided in the official GitHub repositories. This will give you a solid understanding of how the Masa Protocol works and its potential applications.
  2. Identify areas for improvement: While reviewing the codebase, look for areas where you can make improvements or optimizations, fix bugs, or add new features. You can also contribute by creating additional documentation, tutorials, or example use cases to help other developers understand and adopt the Masa Protocol.
  3. Join the community: Connect with the Masa community on our official communication channels, such as Discord, Telegram, or Twitter, to share your ideas and collaborate with other developers. Engaging with the community will give you valuable insights, feedback, and support as you work on your contributions.
  4. Fork a repository: To begin working on your contributions, fork a GitHub repository by clicking the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the repository page. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account, allowing you to make changes without affecting the original codebase.
  5. Create a branch: In your forked repository, create a new branch for your contribution. Use a descriptive name for your branch, such as "fix-bug-x" or "add-feature-y". This will help keep your changes organized and make it easier for the Masa team to review and merge your contributions.
  6. Commit your changes: Make your changes, improvements, or additions to the codebase within your new branch, and commit them with clear and concise commit messages. This will help the Masa team understand the purpose and impact of your changes.
  7. Submit a pull request: Once you have made and committed your changes, create a pull request (PR) to the original Masa repository. In the PR description, provide a detailed explanation of your changes, the motivation behind them, and any relevant testing or performance results. This will help the Masa team review your contribution and provide feedback or request modifications if necessary.
  8. Submit an issue: Share your thoughts, suggestions, or solutions by leaving comments on relevant issues. This helps identify potential improvements, uncover hidden bugs, and foster collaborative problem-solving within the community. If you encounter a problem or have a feature request that hasn't been addressed yet, don't hesitate to create a new issue, providing a clear description of the problem or feature and any relevant details or examples to help others understand your proposal.
  9. Respond to feedback: Be prepared to address any feedback, questions, or requests for changes from the Masa team or other community members. Engaging in open and constructive discussions will help improve the quality of your contribution and increase the chances of it being accepted and merged into the official codebase.

We look forward to seeing your contributions make a positive impact on the community and the future of decentralized identity.