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SBT Achievement Badges

With Masa, you can track and reward an individuals achievements in your community by using non-transferable, soulbound Achievement badges. For example, a web3 quest platform with active members participating in quests can issue an Achievement SBT to the participants who were in the top 5% of the number of completed quests in a week. Having an achievement SBT would unlock priority access to future quests and grant allow list spots in partner souldrops (airdrops). In this guide, we cover the steps for launching an Achievement SBT using Masa.

Using Achievement SBTs you can build

  • A non-transferable, soulbound badge that represents a user’s achievements and/or quest completions as a proof-of-participation.
  • Soulbound achievement badges can be coupled with Membership badges to create a tier-based membership system or loyalty program.
  • Soulbound achievement badges as unique identifiers, you can reward and market to a specific group of users with achievement badge SBTs in their wallets.

For example:

  • Reward / Quest Program: a user incentive pool which qualification is based on completion of specific quests, identified via quest achievement SBT badges
  • Off-chain Achievements: you can mint a Achievement Badge when a user joins your Discord channel
  • On-chain Achievements: you can mint a Achievement Badge when a contributor deploys a smart contract

You need to have the Masa CLI installed, if you have not completed the Quickstart you can do so here

Create Achievement badges using Masa CLI​

Install Masa CLI​

This guide covers using the Masa CLI to mint a Masa Green SBT. You can use either yarn or npm for the installation.

Install via yarn​

yarn global add @masa-finance/masa-cli

Install via npm​

npm i -g @masa-finance/masa-cli

Configure Masa CLI​

Set network​

Masa supports 10 networks through its CLI and SDK. Masa Green SBT is deployed on all of the following networks:

ETH Goerligoerli
Base Mainnet
Base Goerlibasegoerli
Polygon Mumbaimumbai
BNB Chainbsc
BNB Testnetbsctest
Celo Alfajoresalfajores

Contract addresses can be found here

masa settings preset-network <network flag>

Mint on Base Goerli​

masa settings preset-network basegoerli
  __  __                            ____   _       ___
| \/ | __ _ ___ __ _ / ___| | | |_ _|
| |\/| | / _` | / __| / _` | | | | | | |
| | | | | (_| | \__ \ | (_| | | |___ | |___ | |
|_| |_| \__,_| |___/ \__,_| \____| |_____| |___|

Preset network 'basegoerli' set!
bash ~ %

The Masa CLI interacts with the Masa SDK using simple and intuitive commands that enable quick and easy development with Masa SBTs.

Get account information​

masa account
  __  __                            ____   _       ___
| \/ | __ _ ___ __ _ / ___| | | |_ _|
| |\/| | / _` | / __| / _` | | | | | | |
| | | | | (_| | \__ \ | (_| | | |___ | |___ | |
|_| |_| \__,_| |___/ \__,_| \____| |_____| |___|

Address: '0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461'

Network: 'basegoerli'

Logged in: false


Native: '0.01000000'
Identity: '0'
SoulName: '0'
Green: '0'
bash ~ %

Transfer some Base Goerli ETH into the account address listed in the CLI.

Deploy SBT Badge contract​

In this guide we will use an Authority SBT that can be minted (dropped) directly to a users wallet without any user interaction with web3.


You will need a minimum of 0.10 of your testnet asset to deploy a contract. This will either be Goerli ETH, Base ETH, Mumbai MATIC, Alfajores Celo, or Testnet BNB.

masa asbt deploy --network basegoerli
 __  __                            ____   _       ___
| \/ | __ _ ___ __ _ / ___| | | |_ _|
| |\/| | / _` | / __| / _` | | | | | | |
| | | | | (_| | \__ \ | (_| | | |___ | |___ | |
|_| |_| \__,_| |___/ \__,_| \____| |_____| |___|

Deploying ASBT contract

Enter the name of the SBT: Base Test SBT
Enter the ticker of the SBT: BTS
Enter the URL for the metadata image: https:test.img
Admin address (leave empty to use: '0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461'):
Deploying ASBT to network 'basegoerli'
Waiting for transaction '0xf9707485c442b23bc45da03ccf16c048eb73c00be137ab01fc70824149b4d4a7' to finalize!
ASBT successfully deployed to 'basegoerli' with contract address: '0x4d527F3eFD9dCf5fF44284FfB9fe22C6bdc2Da20'
bash ~ %

You can use many of the permanent storage options available for developers in web3 to save your SBT Badge metadata. For a quick guide on using Arweave go here.

Mint SBT Badge​

It is simple to mint an SBT using the CLI just copy the contract address from your deployment - we will use the one we just deployed 0x4d527F3eFD9dCf5fF44284FfB9fe22C6bdc2Da20 and mint an SBT Badge to the deployer wallet used 0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461.

masa asbt mint 0x4d527F3eFD9dCf5fF44284FfB9fe22C6bdc2Da20 0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461
  __  __                            ____   _       ___
| \/ | __ _ ___ __ _ / ___| | | |_ _|
| |\/| | / _` | / __| / _` | | | | | | |
| | | | | (_| | \__ \ | (_| | | |___ | |___ | |
|_| |_| \__,_| |___/ \__,_| \____| |_____| |___|

Minting SBT on:
Contract Name: 'Base Test SBT '
Contract Symbol: 'BTS'
Contract Address: '0x4d527F3eFD9dCf5fF44284FfB9fe22C6bdc2Da20'
To receiver: '0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461'
Waiting for transaction '0xd10bc0eea5adce2af0e2ce5ba4504f94d1a6eb36906b126c10d32a9c2a583d87' to finalize!
Minted to token with ID: 1 receiver '0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461'
bash ~ %

You can view the transaction on the Base Goerli testnet [here] (

Create Achievement badges using the Masa SDK​

Install Masa SDK​

This guide covers using the Masa SDK to mint an Authority SBT (ASBT) on the Base Goerli Testnet. You can use either yarn or npm for the installation.

Install via yarn​

yarn add @masa-finance/masa-sdk --save

Install via npm​

npm i @masa-finance/masa-sdk --save

Configure Masa SDK​


A guide how to set up the Masa SDK can be found here: Masa SDK

Deploy SBT Badge contract​

In this guide we will use an Authority SBT that can be minted (dropped) directly to a users wallet without any user interaction with web3.


You will need a minimum of 0.10 of your testnet asset to deploy a contract. This will either be Goerli ETH, Base ETH, Mumbai MATIC, Alfajores Celo, or Testnet BNB.

console.log("Deploying ASBT contract\n");

const name = await readLine("Enter the name of the SBT: ");
const symbol = await readLine("Enter the ticker of the SBT: ");
const baseTokenUri = await readLine("Enter the URL for the metadata image: ");
const adminAddress = await readLine(
`Admin address (leave empty to use: '${await masa.config.wallet.getAddress()}'): `

const address = await masa.sbt.deployASBT(

if (!address) {
console.error("Deployment failed!");

Mint SBT Badge​

It is simple to mint an SBT using the SDK using the contract address from your deployment - we will use the one we just deployed 0x4d527F3eFD9dCf5fF44284FfB9fe22C6bdc2Da20 and mint an SBT Badge to the receiver 0xb3EAE0c0d3e09241a48485D7fDE226587A4E4461.

const { mintASBT } = await masa.sbt.connect(contractAddress);
await mintASBT(receiver);

What's next​

If you’re interested in other use cases, you can dive into our guides: